Press Release

In the framework of the further promotion of the culture of competition with the academic world, on 15 May 2024, in the premises of “Epoka” University, with the cooperation of the Competition Authority and the Department of Law of “Epoka” University, was held the first student conference with the theme

Press Release

The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 10.05.2024, considered the proposed concentration obtained through the acquisition of control of the undertaking Officine Maccaferri – S.P.A. from the undertaking Ambienta SGR SPA through the undertaking HoldCo 69 S.R.L. The concentration will not create overlaps or upstream or downstream relationships between the

Press Release

The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 10.05.2024, considered the case of opening the in-depth investigation procedure in the market of the provision and access of internet service to administration undertakings and internet undertakings in residential housing that these undertakings exercise their activity. The Competition Commission in support of Article

Press Release

As part of strengthening the human capacities of the Competition Authority, with the assistance of TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument of the European Commission), in collaboration with the Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, on 7-8 May 2024, was held the workshop on the implementation of competition

Press Release

The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 26.04.2024, considered two issues. Concentration related to the proposed transaction on the acquisition of joint control of the company RESITY TECHNOLOGIES d.o.o. from Messer SE & Co. KGaA and DELTA HOLDING DOO BELGRADE. Messer Albgaz’s market share will remain unchanged even after the


The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 19.04.2024, considered the monitoring of the implementation of the Decision of the Competition Commission no. 970, dated 24.03.2023, “On the legal evaluation of the Agreement Act no. 2729 prot., dated 13.02.2023, between the General Directorate of Road Transport Services, the “National Driving School

Press Release

The Competition Commission, at its meeting on 29.03.2024, considered 2 concentration notices. The concentration related to the proposed transaction on the acquisition of sole control of the company Fortenova Group MidCo B.V. and indirectly on Fortenova Group by the company Open Pass Limited. The transaction will not create an overlap

Press Release

The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 19.03.2024, by Decision no. 1064, dated 19.03.2024 decided to aprove the Annual Report on the activity of the Competition Authority for the year 2023 and the main priorities for the year 2024. Also, the Competition Commission considered 2 concentration notices. The proposed concentration

Press Release

Competition Commission with decision no. 1043, dated 29.12.2023, approved the “Manual of procedures for anti-competitive behavior”, in accordance with the Manual of Procedures of anti-competitive behavior (Document of the European Commission, November 2019). The proposed manual has been adapted by aligning with the “Manual of procedures for anti-competitive behavior –

Press Release

The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 23.02.2024, reviewed the draft Strategic Document and Action Plan of the Audiovisual Media Authority for the period 2024-2026. After the assessment, the Competition Commission, by Decision no. 1060, dated 23.02.2024 decided: To recommend to the Audiovisual Media Authority that, in designing the methodology

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    Të dhënat tuaja do të trajtohen me konfidencialitet të plotë sipas ligjit nr.9887, datë 10.03.2008, 'Për mbrojtjen e të dhënave personale', i ndryshuar.