Press Release

The Competition Commission at its meeting on 24.05.2024, considered the notice of the concentration obtained through the acquisition of indirect control of the assets owned by KOMERCIJALNA BANKA AD Skopje from Yildirim International Investment Holding B.V.

The transaction will not create an overlap or upstream or downstream relationship between the activities of the parties at the national level and for these reasons, it will not bring change and will not have an impact on the Albanian market.

For these reasons, the Competition Commission with Decision no. 1080, dated 24.05.2024, decided to authorize the concentration obtained through the acquisition of indirect control of the assets owned by KOMERCIJALNA BANKA AD Skopje from Yildirim International Investment Holding B.V.

Also, the Competition Commission considered the application for tariff change of the Durrës Regional Water and Sewerage Company JSC.

From the review and evaluation of the information on the application for changing the tariff level as well as the corresponding draft decision “On the approval of the water supply service fees and the removal of polluted water for the regional undertaking “Water and Sewerage Durrës SHA”, the Competition Commission by decision no. 1079, dated 24.05.2024 decided:

  1. To recommend the following to the Water Regulatory Body:
  2. The changed tariffs, which will be approved by ERRU for the undertaking “Water and Sewerage Durrës SHA”, should be oriented towards the cost of services and be based on the principle of non-discrimination.
  3. The approval of the change in tariffs, considered by KKRR, should be published on ERRU’s official website.
  4. To make transparent on the official website of the Municipality of Durrës, Shijak, Kavajë, Krujë and Rrogozhinë, as well as in the Regional Water and Sewerage Company JSC, the public hearing sessions with interested parties for the proposal to change the tariffs.

In addition, please consult the official website of the Competition Authority at

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    Të dhënat tuaja do të trajtohen me konfidencialitet të plotë sipas ligjit nr.9887, datë 10.03.2008, 'Për mbrojtjen e të dhënave personale', i ndryshuar.