About the Authority

The Competition Authority is a public body, independent in performing its duties. It started its activity on March 1st 2004 based on law Nr. 9121 Date 28.07.2003 “Competition Protection”. The objective of the law is protection of free and effective competition in the market, to increase public welfare.

The Competition Authority is subjected by law to start investigation procedures on its own initiative. The law establishes the role of the Competition Authority to regulate economic activities in cooperation with the public bodies of the central and local administration, regulatory entities and other institutions.

The Competition Authority consists of the Commission as a decision-making body, which consists of five member elected by the Parliament, and the Secretariat as executive body.



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    Të dhënat tuaja do të trajtohen me konfidencialitet të plotë sipas ligjit nr.9887, datë 10.03.2008, 'Për mbrojtjen e të dhënave personale', i ndryshuar.