The Competition Commission, on its meeting on 12 February 2024, considered 2 concentration notifications. The proposed concentration through the acquisition of joint control of the company WE SII S.r.l. by Mr. Mauro Migliazzi, the company Terna Forward S.r.l., and the company DXT Commodities SA.. The proposed concentration through the acquisition

Press Release
The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 02.02.2024, considered 4 concentration notifications. The concentration obtained through the creation of a joint undertaking with full functions from the undertakings AGNA SHA, LARTI – SHP and FIX PRO SHP. The concentration obtained through the purchase of the shares of the undetaking Eagle

Press Release
The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 25.012024, considered 2 concentration notifications. Concentration obtained through the acquisition of control of the company ILI (Highlands PSH) Limited from the company Statkraft UK Ltd. Concentration obtained through the acquisition of joint control in the company MidOcean Holdings II L.P. and indirectly in

Press Release
The Competition Commission, at its meeting on 25.01.2024, reviewed the investigation procedure against the undertakings Erzeni LLC, Gjirofarma LLC, ADG LLC (Lufra), SHAKA Boboshtica LLC in the market of production and wholesale of dairy by-products (cheese and butter). As above, starting from some media announcements of the last few days,

Press Release
Today, on 23 January 2024, the Chairman of the Competition Authority, Mr. Denar Biba, and representatives of the Albanian Competition Authority held a meeting in the Fier area with livestock farmers who, for several days, have been conducting economic protests. This meeting took place in the context of concerns raised

Press Release
The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 29.12.2023, considered the investigative procedure against the undertakings Erzeni SHPK, Gjirofarma SHA, ADG SHPK (Lufra), SHAKA Boboshticë SHPK in the market of production and wholesale of dairy by-products (cheese and butter). Referring to the analysis of the market for the production and wholesale

Press Release
The Competition Commission considered the closure of the in-depth investigation procedure in the public procurement market against the undertakings Raimondo G.P LLC and Li.Bo-Albania Branch LLC and the granting of certain obligations to these two undertakings. The Competition Authority established that: The undertakings Rajmondo GP LLC and Li.Bo Albania Branch

Press Release
The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 29.12.2023, considered the notification of the concentration obtained through the acquisition of joint control of the company FIER Thermoelectric SHA by the companies DEPA Commercial S.A., GEK TERNA S.A. and GENER 2 LLC. This concentration will not create overlaps or upstream or downstream

Press Release
The Competition Commission, at its meeting on 26.12.2023, considered the application for changing the tariff level for the undertaking “Ujësjellës Kanalizime Vlorë” JSC. From the review and assessment of the information on the application for the change of the tariff level, the Competition Commission by Decision no. 1042, dated 26.12.2023,

Congratulations on the end of the year holidays!
The Competition Authority wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!