Competition Advocacy

Competition advocacy we call the activities of the Competition Authority to promote a competitive environment through non-law enforcement mechanisms, particularly through relationships with other government entities and by raising public awareness of the benefits of competition.

The Competition Authority has paid particular attention to this aspect of its activity, considering it one of the pillars of competition law. In this context, the Competition Authority has continuously increased cooperation with various public entities whose activity may have an impact on competition. This cooperation has been realized through memoranda of understanding, organization of joint roundtables at expert level and decision-making boards, through meetings to share concerns or opinions among heads of institutions etc. As a result of this cooperation, a number of recommendations were made by the Competition Commission in the electricity and gas market, in the electronic communications market, public procurement, insurance market, etc. More on this aspect of the Competition Authority's activity can be found in the institution's annual reports.

The Albanian Competition Authority dedicated great importance to raising public awareness to the benefits of competition or enhancing the culture of competition. This has been accomplished through publications for the public in general, hosting, participating in television shows and debates, press releases, organizing roundtables with business representatives, local government, academics, law studios etc.

More information on the Albanian’s Competition Authority activity to enhance the culture of competition can be found in the institution’s annual reports. Some of the main publications of the Albanian Competition Authority are:
• Competition Policy;
• Competition Glossary;
• Decisions Bulletins;
• Annual Reports;
• Summary of the primary and secondary Legal Framework in the field of competition
• Information brochure “The right to competition and the consumer”
• Information brochure “Competition in Albania”
• Brochure “Competition in public procurement: How to prevent and detect prohibited agreements in public procurement”
• Leaflet “Signals of a prohibited agreement on public procurement”
• Brochure “Impact of Regulatory Reform (RIA) and Competition in regulated markets”
• Brochure “Concessions, competition and state aid rules, an analytical list to identify some critical issues”
• Brochure “Assessing the consequences of competition legislation”


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    Të dhënat tuaja do të trajtohen me konfidencialitet të plotë sipas ligjit nr.9887, datë 10.03.2008, 'Për mbrojtjen e të dhënave personale', i ndryshuar.