Press release

Press release regarding the participation in the meeting “Competition and Corruption” of the High Level Meeting of RCC  Beneficiary Agency Heads organised by OECD-GVH/RCC Network and the 17-th Global Competition Forum, organised by OECD, Paris, on 28,29 and 30 November 2018.

On November 28-th 2018, the Chaiwoman of the Albanian Competition Authority Ms. Juliana Latifi and the Commissioner Ms. Leida Matja participated in the meeting “Competition and Corruption” of the High Level Meeting of RCC  Beneficiary Agency Heads organised by OECD-GVH/RCC which took place in OECD, Paris.

In this meeting it was discussed how corruption affects the work of Competition Authorities, how the procedures of public procurement are distorted, and are often found combined with bid-rigging in public procurements which makes it hard for Competition Authorities to uncover cartels. The Heads of Competition Authorities from Hungary, Lithuania and Ukraine, presented their countries experience as well as the approaches used to prevent corruption. OECD representatives submitted the tools used in order to prevent corruption in the public sector. At the end of this meeting the training program of OECD-GVH/RCC for the year 2019 was presented.

Moreover, during 29-30 November 2018, the 17-th Global Forum on Competition took place in OECD, Paris, where the Albanian Competition Authority for the fist time submitted contribution of its institution experience among other 27 countries participating in the Forum in two sections: Benefits and Challenges of Competition Regional Cooperation Agreements (Summaries of contributions) and Investigative Powers in Practice (Summaries of contributions).

At the end of the Forum, OECD gathered in an electronic inventory all the contributions submmited by the countries, which will be circulated between member states and will serve as “best practice”s to be consulted from different interest groups.


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    Të dhënat tuaja do të trajtohen me konfidencialitet të plotë sipas ligjit nr.9887, datë 10.03.2008, 'Për mbrojtjen e të dhënave personale', i ndryshuar.