Më datë 13.04.2022,Autoriteti i Konkurrencës zhvilloi përpara Komisionit për Ekonomisë dhe Financat të Kuvendit të Shqipërisë seancën dëgjimore mbi raportimin vjetor të veprimtarisë së Autoritetit të Konkurrencës për vitin 2021. Në këtë dëgjesë, Autoriteti i Konkurrencës u përfaqësua nga: z. Denar Biba, Kryetar, znj. Leida Matja, zëvendëskryetare dhe dy anëtaret:
Press Releases
On the 12th meeting of the Subcommittee “On the Internal Market and Competition, including Consumer Protection and Health” Today, on 27th of May 2021, the 12th meeting of the EU-Albania Subcommittee “On the internal market and competition, including consumer protection and health”, which is an annual reporting and discussion process
Press release
Based on an article in the media on the increase in the price of edible oils, the Competition Authority states as follows: The Competition Authority acts to ensure free and effective competition in the market in the implementation of the law “On Protection of Competition” based on three main pillars:
15th anniversary of the Albanian Competition Authority
“Competition and Entrepreneurship” Conference On Thursday, 14 November 2019, for the celebration of the ACA 15th anniversary and of the World Competition Day, the Albanian Competition Authority in cooperation with the Spanish National Commission on Markets and Competition (CNMC), organized the Conference on “Competition and Entrepreneurship”. In this activity had
Press Release for the 18th Intergovernmental Experts Group (IGE) Meeting on Law and Competition Policy at UNCTAD
On the 10th and 12th of July 2019, at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Geneva, was held the 18th Intergovernmental Experts Group (IGE) meeting on Law and Competition Policy. On the agenda of the activity, were foreseen to be discussed two main issues: the role
Press release
Press release regarding the participation in the meeting “Competition and Corruption” of the High Level Meeting of RCC Beneficiary Agency Heads organised by OECD-GVH/RCC Network and the 17-th Global Competition Forum, organised by OECD, Paris, on 28,29 and 30 November 2018. On November 28-th 2018, the Chaiwoman of the Albanian