Press Release.

In the framework of promoting the culture of competition, protecting free and effective competition in the market and effectively combating agreements in offers in public procurement procedures, the Competition Authority held today, on December 20, at the premises of the Rogner Hotel Tirana, the round table with the business “Legislative framework for a more active role of the Competition Authority in public procurement procedures”.

In his speech, the Chairman of the Competition Authority, Mr. Denar Biba, presented to the guests the main specifics of the legislation for the protection of competition, the need for a new and more proactive role of the CA in the function of control, detection and punishment of agreements prohibited in public procurement, legal changes related to agreements in offers as well as specific cases from the Authority’s activity related to previous investigations in the public procurement market.

The meeting was greeted by Mr. Eduard Shalsi, Chairman of the Committee for Economy and Finance, who in his speech appreciated the cooperation of the CA for the smooth functioning of the market for ensuring free and effective competition in the market for the improvement of public procurement procedures.

As a participant in this organization Mrs. Reida Kashta, Director General of the Public Procurement Agency in her speech presented the Joint Guideline, “Public Procurement and Protection of Competition, Integrity of the Public Procurement Process”, a material drawn up with the best experience of the relevant staff of which was signed by the Chairman of the CA, Mr. Biba and Mrs. Kashta, Director of APP, to strengthen cooperation between the two institutions, with the aim of identifying ways and means to address cases of prohibited agreements in public tenders, raising awareness for minimizing covert anti-competitive practices in procurement markets, obtaining joint initiatives to improve the knowledge of representatives of Contracting Authorities, etc.

The activity was welcomed by Mr. Jonaid Myzyri, Chairman of the Public Procurement Commission and Mr. Enio Jaço, President of the American Chamber of Commerce.



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    Të dhënat tuaja do të trajtohen me konfidencialitet të plotë sipas ligjit nr.9887, datë 10.03.2008, 'Për mbrojtjen e të dhënave personale', i ndryshuar.