On May 29, 2023, the Albanian Competition Authority held a hearing before the Committee for Economy and Finance of the Parliament of Albania regarding the annual report on the activity of the Albanian Competition Authority for the year 2022. The representatives of the Competition Authority in this hearing were: Mr.

Press Release
The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 14.04.2023, considered the in-depth investigation report against the following undertakings: AGRO BLEND LLC, BOMIRA LLC, DEVI 20 – GRUP LLC, EQEREM-934 LLC, FERRA & CO LLC, GLOBCOM LLC, KRIKET-1 LLC, TEUTA DURRES LLC, and PDF LLC in the import, production, and wholesale market

Press Release
On March 29-31, 2023, the 71st “Spring” Meeting on Antitrust Legislation, organized by the American Bar Association (ABA), was held in Washington DC, USA. At the invitation of ABA, in this activity, the Competition Authority was represented by the Chairman of the Competition Authority, Mr. Denar Biba. Among the various

Press Release
In the framework of the country’s European integration process, on March 6, 7 and 8, 2023, the “Bilateral Screening” meeting took place in Brussels, in which the Competition Authority (CA) – as the leader of Chapter 8 “Competition Policy “, was represented by the Chairman of the CA, Mr. Denar

Press Release
In the framework of the promotion of the culture of competition, the protection of free and effective competition and the further alignment of the legal framework with the acquis of the European Union, the Competition Authority held on December 12, in the premises of the Maritim Hotel Plaza, the activity

Press Release.
In the framework of promoting the culture of competition, protecting free and effective competition in the market and effectively combating agreements in offers in public procurement procedures, the Competition Authority held today, on December 20, at the premises of the Rogner Hotel Tirana, the round table with the business “Legislative

Press Release
In the framework of the promotion of the culture of competition, the protection of free and effective competition and the further alignment of the legal framework with the acquis of the European Union, the Competition Authority held on December 12, in the premises of the Maritim Hotel Plaza, the activity

Press Release
On November 16-17, 2022, the First International Conference on Competition and Consumer Protection was held in Tbilisi, Georgia. In this activity, the Competition Authority was represented by the Chairman of the Competition Authority, Mr. Denar Biba, who was invited as a speaker in the Session on “Essential facilities and refusal

Press Release
In the framework of further promoting the culture of competition and strengthening cooperation with the academic world, in the premises of the Mediterranean University of Albania, on 05.10.2022, the Cooperation Agreement was signed between the Mediterranean University of Albania (UMSH) and the Competition Authority ( AK). This Agreement aims to

Press Release
Në datë 12.05.2022, Kuvendi i Shqipërisë zhvilloi seancën plenare ku Kryetari i Komisionit të Konkurrencës Z. Denar Biba, paraqiti raportin e veprimtarisë së Autoritetit të Konkurrencës për vitin 2021. Në fjalën e tij Kryetari i Autoritetit të Konkurrencës, Z. Biba u ndal në hapat e ndërmarra nga institucioni për sigurimin