Press Release

The Competition Commission, at its meeting on 29.08.2023, considered 4 concentration notices. 1. The concentration realized through the acquisition of control of CIRCOR International, Inc. by KKR & Co, Inc. through Cube BidCo, Inc. 2. The concentration realized through the acquisition of control of the company Efacec Power Solutions, SGPS

Press Release

The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 28.07.2023, considered the case for imposing a fine on the company AIR BP ALBANIA SHA for declaring incomplete and incorrect data. In terms of Article 55 of Law no. 9121/2003 “On the protection of competition” and the Regulation “On the implementation of the

Press Release

Following the concerns raised in the media on the implementation of the Decision of the Competition Commission no. 987, dated 24.05.2023 “For taking a temporary measure to restore competition in the market of taxi services for travelers from and to the International Airport of Tirana”, the inspectors of the Competition

Press Release

The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 05.07.2023, considered three concentration notices. The concentration realized through the acquisition of joint control of the company AIR BP ALBANIA SHA by the companies BP Holding International B.V. and United World Technologies B.V. The concentration realized through the acquisition of direct and indirect

Press Release

On 15.06.2023, the Assembly of Albania held a plenary session where the Chairman of the Competition Commission, Mr. Denar Biba, presented the report on the activity of the Competition Authority for the year 2022. In his speech, the Chairman of the Competition Authority, Mr. Biba stopped at the steps taken

Press Release

The Competition Commission, in its meeting dated 08.06.2023, imposed a fine of 5,000,000 (five million) lek on the company Gega Oil Group SHA, as a result of the non-notification within the deadline by the company Gega Oil Group SHA.A . of the concentration realized through the absorption merger of the

Press Release

The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 08.06.2023, approved with Decision no. 990, the Instruction “On unofficial instructions regarding new or unresolved issues in relation to articles 4 and 9 of law no. 9121/2003 “On the protection of competition” for individual cases”, which is based on the EU document “Notice

Press Release

Within the framework of the “Jean Monnet Center of Excellence South and East European Competition Law” project, which includes academics and competition law experts from various countries in Europe and the Western Balkans, a round table was held on June 1 with topic “Strengthening the implementation of competition law and

Press Release

In the framework of promoting the culture of competition, protecting free and effective competition in the market and effectively combating agreements in offers in public procurement procedures, the Competition Authority held today, on June 6, the Workshop with the Association “Trade Union of Albania” with the theme “Agreements in Offers

Press Release

The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 05.07.2023, considered the case for imposing a fine on the companies AGNA SHA, INFO-TELECOM LLC and TIRANA INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT LLC, for not notifying within the deadline of the concentration carried out for the benefit of joint control of the company AMB CONSTRUCTION LLC.

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    Të dhënat tuaja do të trajtohen me konfidencialitet të plotë sipas ligjit nr.9887, datë 10.03.2008, 'Për mbrojtjen e të dhënave personale', i ndryshuar.