Press Release

The Competition Commission, at its meeting on 25.01.2024, reviewed the investigation procedure against the undertakings Erzeni LLC, Gjirofarma LLC, ADG LLC (Lufra), SHAKA Boboshtica LLC in the market of production and wholesale of dairy by-products (cheese and butter).

As above, starting from some media announcements of the last few days, about protests developed by livestock farmers, especially in the areas of Vlora, Gjirokastra, Saranda, Delvina, Tepelena, Përmet, Fier, etc., for the price of buying milk from on the part of milk collectors and processing factories, following the meeting that representatives of ACA held on 23.01.2024 with livestock farmers in the area of ​​Levan in Fier as well as;

Based on article 4 and 9, article 24, letter (d) and article 43 of law no. 9121, dated 28.07.2003, “On competition protection” Competition Commission by decision no. 1052, dated 25.01.2024 decided to extend the time period defined in point “II”, of the decision of the Competition Commission no. 1045 dated 29.12.2023 “On the opening of the in-depth investigation against the enterprises Erzeni SHPK, Gjirofarma SHA, ADG SHPK (Lufra ), SHAKA Boboshtice LLC in the market of production and wholesale of dairy by-products (cheese and butter)”, with 6 (six) months including the period 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024.

The Competition Commission considers that the full implementation of in-depth investigation procedures with the aim of analyzing the behavior of companies in the market is necessary to ensure an objective decision-making to identify if there are signs of restriction, distortion or obstruction of competition and in case of detection of violations, it will take the relevant measures in accordance with the provisions of law no. 9121 dt. 28.07.2003 “On competition protection”.

In addition, please consult the official website of the Competition Authority at

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    Të dhënat tuaja do të trajtohen me konfidencialitet të plotë sipas ligjit nr.9887, datë 10.03.2008, 'Për mbrojtjen e të dhënave personale', i ndryshuar.