Instruction “On informal instructions regarding new or unresolved issues in relation to Articles 4 and 9 of Law no. 9121/2003 “On the protection of competition” for individual cases”
“On informal instructions regarding new or unresolved issues in relation to Articles 4 and 9 of Law no. 9121/2003 “On the protection of competition” for individual cases”
On the best practices for the disclosure of information in the databases, during the investigation and control procedures of concentrations provided for in Law no. 9121, dated 28.07.2003 “On the protection of competition”
Guidelines “On the best practices for the disclosure of information in the databases, during the investigation and control procedures of concentrations provided for in Law no. 9121, dated 28.07.2003 “On the protection of competition”
The Manual of Procedures for Antitrust, an internal working document of the Competition Authority regarding the procedures for the implementation of law no. 9121/2003 “On the protection of competition”.
The Manual of Procedures for Antitrust, an internal working document of the Competition Authority regarding the procedures for the implementation of law no. 9121/2003 “On the protection of competition”.
On the best practices for submitting evidence of economic character and data collection, in cases related to the implementation of article 4 and 9 of Law No. 9121/2003 “On Protection of Competition”, as amended, and in concentration cases
Guideline “On the best practices for submitting evidence of economic character and data collection, in cases related to the implementation of article 4 and 9 of Law No. 9121/2003 “On Protection of Competition”, as amended, and in concentration cases”
On Confidentiality and Access to Files
Guidelines “On Confidentiality and File Access”
On damages caused and actions undertaken for infringements of the provisions of Law no. 9121, dated 28.07.2003 “On Competition Protection”, as amended
Guideline No. 3, date 26.06.2019 “On damages caused and actions undertaken for infringements of the provisions of Law no. 9121, dated 28.07.2003 “On Competition Protection”, as amended.”
For the implementation of competition rules in the assessment of telecommunication access agreements
Guideline No. 2, dated 20.12.2018 “For the implementation of competition rules in the assessment of telecommunication access agreements”
On restrictions directly related and necessary to concentrations
Guideline No. 1, date 25.06.2018 “On restrictions directly related and necessary to concentrations”
DIRECTIVE “On short-form procedures on the assessment of concentrations ”
DIRECTIVE “On short-form procedures on the assessment of concentrations ”
Guideline “On simplified-form procedures on the assessment of concentrations ”
Guideline “On simplified-form procedures on the assessment of concentrations ”