In the framework of further promoting the culture of competition and strengthening cooperation with the academic world, in the premises of the Mediterranean University of Albania, on 05.10.2022, the Cooperation Agreement was signed between the Mediterranean University of Albania (UMSH) and the Competition Authority ( AK). This Agreement aims to
Press Release
Në datë 12.05.2022, Kuvendi i Shqipërisë zhvilloi seancën plenare ku Kryetari i Komisionit të Konkurrencës Z. Denar Biba, paraqiti raportin e veprimtarisë së Autoritetit të Konkurrencës për vitin 2021. Në fjalën e tij Kryetari i Autoritetit të Konkurrencës, Z. Biba u ndal në hapat e ndërmarra nga institucioni për sigurimin
Press Release
Më datë 13.04.2022,Autoriteti i Konkurrencës zhvilloi përpara Komisionit për Ekonomisë dhe Financat të Kuvendit të Shqipërisë seancën dëgjimore mbi raportimin vjetor të veprimtarisë së Autoritetit të Konkurrencës për vitin 2021. Në këtë dëgjesë, Autoriteti i Konkurrencës u përfaqësua nga: z. Denar Biba, Kryetar, znj. Leida Matja, zëvendëskryetare dhe dy anëtaret:
Case: Acquisition of control over Geothermal Target Two II Single-Member SA by Geoenergy Aegean Holding Single-Member Societe Anonyme
Acquisition of control over Geothermal Target Two II Single-Member SA by Geoenergy Aegean Holding Single-Member Societe Anonyme
Case: Acquisition of control over The Bountiful Company by Nexus Holdco, LLC
Acquisition of control over The Bountiful Company by Nexus Holdco, LLC Njoftim_per_shtyp__Nestle_S.A-The_Bountiful_Company_1
Case: Acquisition of control over Etablissements J. Soufflet by InVivo Group
Acquisition of control over Etablissements J. Soufflet by InVivo Group Njoftim_per_shtyp_InVivo-Etablissements_J._Soufflet_1
Case: Acquisition of control over SPV by Bimal d.d. Brćko.
Acquisition of control over SPV by Bimal d.d. Brćko. Njoftim_per_shtyp__Erakovic_d.o.o-bimal_d.d.brcko_1
Case: Acquisition of joint control over Digital Charging Solution GmbH (JV), through the acquisition of shares by BP Europa SE
Acquisition of joint control over Digital Charging Solution GmbH (JV), through the acquisition of shares by BP Europa SE Njoftim_per_shtyp_BP-Digital_Charging_Solutions_GmbH_1 (1)
Press Releases
On the 12th meeting of the Subcommittee “On the Internal Market and Competition, including Consumer Protection and Health” Today, on 27th of May 2021, the 12th meeting of the EU-Albania Subcommittee “On the internal market and competition, including consumer protection and health”, which is an annual reporting and discussion process
Acquisition of control of Radio Klan JSC by TV Klan JSC
Acquisition of control of Radio Klan JSC by TV Klan JSC