Press Release

The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 24.05.2023, considered three concentration notices.

  1. The concentration realized through the acquisition of sole control of the company Shanghai Muchuan Industrial Design Co., Ltd from the company CARIAD Estonia AS.
  2. The concentration realized through the purchase of the shares of the company Peel NRE Wind Farms (Yell) Limited and Peel NRE Wind Farms (No.1) Limited from the company Statkraft UK Ltd..
  3. The concentration realized through the acquisition of joint control of the company Gruppo Zaffiro S.r.l. from the companies Eurizon Capital Real Asset S.G.R S.p.A. and Sarafin S.p.A..

The announced concentrations do not create overlaps or upstream or downstream relations between the activities of the parties at the national level and for these reasons, will not bring any change and will not have an impact on the Albanian market.

For these reasons, the Competition Commission with Decision no. 985, dated 24.05.2023, decided to authorize the concentration realized through the acquisition of sole control of the company Shanghai Muchuan Industrial Design Co., Ltd from the company CARIAD Estonia AS.; with Decision no. 986, dated 24.05.2023, decided to authorize the concentration realized through the purchase of the shares of the company Peel NRE Wind Farms (Yell) Limited and Peel NRE Wind Farms (No.1) Limited from the company Statkraft UK Ltd.; and Decision no. 988, dated 24.05.2023, decided to authorize the concentration realized through the acquisition of joint control of the company Gruppo Zaffiro S.r.l. from the companies Eurizon Capital Real Asset S.G.R S.p.A. and Sarafin S.p.A.

In addition, please consult the official website of the Competition Authority at The Competition Commission, at its meeting on 24.05.2023, considered three concentration notices.

  1. The concentration realized through the acquisition of sole control of the company Shanghai Muchuan Industrial Design Co., Ltd from the company CARIAD Estonia AS.
  2. The concentration realized through the purchase of the shares of the company Peel NRE Wind Farms (Yell) Limited and Peel NRE Wind Farms (No.1) Limited from the company Statkraft UK Ltd..
  3. The concentration realized through the acquisition of joint control of the company Gruppo Zaffiro S.r.l. from the companies Eurizon Capital Real Asset S.G.R S.p.A. and Sarafin S.p.A..

The announced concentrations do not create overlaps or upstream or downstream relations between the activities of the parties at the national level and for these reasons, will not bring any change and will not have an impact on the Albanian market.

For these reasons, the Competition Commission with Decision no. 985, dated 24.05.2023, decided to authorize the concentration realized through the acquisition of sole control of the company Shanghai Muchuan Industrial Design Co., Ltd from the company CARIAD Estonia AS.; with Decision no. 986, dated 24.05.2023, decided to authorize the concentration realized through the purchase of the shares of the company Peel NRE Wind Farms (Yell) Limited and Peel NRE Wind Farms (No.1) Limited from the company Statkraft UK Ltd.; and Decision no. 988, dated 24.05.2023, decided to authorize the concentration realized through the acquisition of joint control of the company Gruppo Zaffiro S.r.l. from the companies Eurizon Capital Real Asset S.G.R S.p.A. and Sarafin S.p.A.

In addition, please consult the official website of the Competition Authority at


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    Të dhënat tuaja do të trajtohen me konfidencialitet të plotë sipas ligjit nr.9887, datë 10.03.2008, 'Për mbrojtjen e të dhënave personale', i ndryshuar.