Press Release

The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 29.08.2024, reviewed four concentration notifications: The concentration obtained through the acquisition of control of Cura Domo Holding GmbH by Mavie Next GmbH. The proposed concentration obtained through the acquisition of joint control of Immedica Pharma Holding AB by KKR and Impilo No 4

Press Release

The market of collection and wholesale of fruits and vegetables in the region of Tirana, Elbasan, Berat, Fier and Korçë is placed under preliminary investigation. The Competition Commission, after the completion of the monitoring procedure in the market of collection and wholesale of fruits and vegetables, considered at the meeting

Press Release

On 18.07.2024, the Assembly of Albania held a plenary session where the Chairman of the Competition Commission, Mr. Denar Biba, presented the report on the activity of the Competition Authority for the year 2023. In his speech, the Chairman of the Competition Authority, Mr. Biba presented a summary of the

Press Release

The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 11.07.2024, considered the proposal of the secretariat of the Competition Authority on the approval of the Guide “On the implementation of law no. 9121/2003 “On the Protection of Competition” for collective agreements regarding the working conditions of self-employed persons. This Instruction helps the

Press Release

The company ANTEA CEMENT JSC was fined in the amount of 97,700,736 Lek for serious violation of Article 9, point 2, letters “a” and “c”, of Law no. 9121/2003 “On the protection of competition”. During 2022, the Secretariat of the Competition Authority has monitored the cement production/import and wholesale market,

Press Release

The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 01.07.2024, considered the case of concentration obtained through the acquisition of joint control of the undertaking MEGAPHARMA LLC from the undertakings T-MEDSS LLC, Mr. Robert Çina and Mrs. Monika Hamzaraj. As a result of this transaction, there will be no overlap between the

Press Release

The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 21.06.2024, considered the opening of the preliminary investigation procedure in the public procurement market against the undertakings Adastra SHPK and Colombo SHPK. From the evaluation of the information presented by APP, on the alleged violations of competition by the undertakings Adastra SHPK and

Press Release

The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 21.06.2024, consideted in the cases of the proposed concentration obtained through the acquisition of the direct regulation of the company Ancala Topco Limited and indirectly the acquisition of 50% of a capital company Dragon LNG Limited, by the company. The transactions will not

Press Release

The Competition Commission, at its meeting on 14.06.2024, considered the case of the notification of the proposed concentration obtained through the acquisition of sole control of the undertakings LG – LHT Aircraft Solutions GmbH, LG – LHT Passenger Solutions GmbH and AerQ GmbH from the undertaking Lufthansa Technic AG. The

Press Release

The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 14.06.2024, considered the report of the Secretariat of the Competition Authority “For imposing fines on the undertaking Arlis Administrim LLC for refusing to accept inspections in support of the decision of the Competition Commission”. During the inspection at the undertaking Arlis Administrim LLC,

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    Të dhënat tuaja do të trajtohen me konfidencialitet të plotë sipas ligjit nr.9887, datë 10.03.2008, 'Për mbrojtjen e të dhënave personale', i ndryshuar.