On 10.04.2019, the Competition Commission took decision nr. 610 “On the authorization of the concentration achieved through the acquisition of control of Telekom Albania SHA by the company Albania Telecom Invest AD”. For more information, please click the link below.

On the authorization of the concentration conducted by the acquisition of control of several BRF companies / subsidiaries in Europe and Thailand by Tyson Foods
On 01.04.2019, The Competition Commission took decision no. 606 “On the authorization of the concentration conducted by the acquisition of control of several BRF companies / subsidiaries in Europe and Thailand by Tyson Foods”. For more information, please click the link below.

On the authorization of the concentration achieved through the only aquisition of “SKY PLC by COMCAST CORPORATION”
The Competition Commission with decision no. 533, dated 05.07.2018” On the authorization of the concentration achieved through the only aquire of “SKY PLC by COMCAST CORPORATION” decided to authorize the concentration achieved through the only aquire of of “SKY PLC by COMCAST CORPORATION”. As a conclusion, this transaction shows no

On the authorization of concentration obtained through the changing of control in SPORT VISION d.o.o Podgorica, Montenegro from SPORT VISION d.o.o Bijeljina, Bosnia Herzegovina
he Commission of Competition, with decision no. 529, dated 25.06.2018 authorized the concentration achieved through the changing of control in SPORT VISION d.o.o Podgorica, Montenegro from SPORT VISION d.o.o Bijeljina, Bosnia Herzegovina. As a conclusion this transaction shows no signs of competition restriction in the relevant market or in a

On the authorization of concentration obtained through the change of control in SANITARY CLEANING SHPK
The Commission of Competition, with decision no. 524, dated 14.06.2018 authorized the concentration achieved through the changing of control in the SANITARY CLEANING SHP. As a conclusion this transaction shows no signs of competition restriction in the relevant market or in a particular part of it, as a result of

On the authorization of the concentration obtained through the sale and transfer of 6.50% of the shares of INTELLIGENT APPS GMBH, from HNH GROUP LTD to DAIMLER MOBILITY SERVICES GMBH
The Competition Commission, by decision no. 510, dated 10.05.2018 “On the authorization of the concentration obtained through the sale and transfer of 6.50% of the shares of INTELLIGENT APPS GMBH, from HNH GROUP LTD to DAIMLER MOBILITY SERVICES GMBH”, authorized the concentration. The Albanian market will not be affected by

Authorization of the concentration obtained through the sale and transfer of 100% quotes of InRE SHPK undertaking to Mr. Grigor JOTI and Mr. Plarent KRISTO
The Competition Commission, by Decision No. 507, dated 02.05.2018, “On the authorization of the concentration obtained through the sale and transfer of 100% quotes of InRE SHPK undertaking to Mr. Grigor JOTI and Mr. Plarent KRISTO”, authorized the concentration. This transaction shows no signs of restriction of competition in the

On obtaining the control of undertaking VALTELINA SHPK from ALB-ERK SHPK undertaking
The Competition Commission, by Decision No. 504, dated 29.03.2018, authorized the transaction “On obtaining the control of undertaking VALTELINA SHPK from ALB-ERK SHPK undertaking “. For the ALB-ERK SHPK undertaking, was imposed a fine of 0.3% of the turnover of 2016, due to non-fulfillment of notification deadlines in time according

Authorization of the concentration obtained through the acquisition of control over bank NBG Albania SHA, from National Bank of Greece S.A, to the American Bank of Investments SHA
The Competition Commission, by decision no. 501 dated 15.03.2018, decided to authorize the concentration in the banking sector, “On the acquisition of control over the bank NBG Albania SHA from National Bank of Greece S.A to the American Bank of Investments SHA.” This concentration showed no signs of restriction of

Obtaining the full control of the company Buse Gaz S.r.l. by Messer Belgium N.V. directly and indirectly controlled by company Messer Romania S.r.l.
The Competition Commission, by its Decision No. 496, dated 08.02.2018, authorized the “Concentration realized through the acquisition of control of the undertaking Buse Gaz Srl by Messer Belgium NV directly and indirectly controlled by undertaking Messer Romania S.r.l.”. Concentration did not occur in the domestic market and the relevant market