The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 23.02.2024, reviewed the draft Strategic Document and Action Plan of the Audiovisual Media Authority for the period 2024-2026. After the assessment, the Competition Commission, by Decision no. 1060, dated 23.02.2024 decided: To recommend to the Audiovisual Media Authority that, in designing the methodology

Press Release
The Competition Commission, on its meeting on 12 February 2024, considered 2 concentration notifications. The proposed concentration through the acquisition of joint control of the company WE SII S.r.l. by Mr. Mauro Migliazzi, the company Terna Forward S.r.l., and the company DXT Commodities SA.. The proposed concentration through the acquisition

Press Release
The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 02.02.2024, considered 4 concentration notifications. The concentration obtained through the creation of a joint undertaking with full functions from the undertakings AGNA SHA, LARTI – SHP and FIX PRO SHP. The concentration obtained through the purchase of the shares of the undetaking Eagle