The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 28.07.2023, considered the case for imposing a fine on the company AIR BP ALBANIA SHA for declaring incomplete and incorrect data. In terms of Article 55 of Law no. 9121/2003 “On the protection of competition” and the Regulation “On the implementation of the

Press Release
Following the concerns raised in the media on the implementation of the Decision of the Competition Commission no. 987, dated 24.05.2023 “For taking a temporary measure to restore competition in the market of taxi services for travelers from and to the International Airport of Tirana”, the inspectors of the Competition

Press Release
The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 05.07.2023, considered three concentration notices. The concentration realized through the acquisition of joint control of the company AIR BP ALBANIA SHA by the companies BP Holding International B.V. and United World Technologies B.V. The concentration realized through the acquisition of direct and indirect