Press release

“On some recommendation for the document of Telecommunication Regulatory Entity ” The analysis of the Mobile Telephony Market”   Press release_ TRE

Press release

On Authorization of Concentration “Albanian Airlines Mak -Advanced Construction Group” and the fine on Albanian Airlines Mak Press release_Albanian Airlines


The Chairman of the Competition Commission of Kosovo, Mr. Osman Ejupi, and the Chairwoman of the Albanian Competition Authority, Ms. Lindita Milo (Lati), signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 15 September 2009, in Prishtina. Document


On 18 June 2009, the President of the Hungarian Competition Authority, Mr. Zoltán Nagy, and the Chairwoman of the Competition Authority, Ms. Lindita Milo (Lati), signed an Agreement on cooperation in competition policy. Document

Call For Papers

CALL FOR PAPERS Albanian Competition Authority Is pleased to invite researchers in competition law and economics to submit their papers To be presented at the ALBANIAN COMPETITION DAY, To be held on March 3, 2009, Tirana International Hotel, Tirana, Albania   Conference Topic: COMPETITION LAW AND POLICY IMPLEMENTATION IN SMALL


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    Të dhënat tuaja do të trajtohen me konfidencialitet të plotë sipas ligjit nr.9887, datë 10.03.2008, 'Për mbrojtjen e të dhënave personale', i ndryshuar.