The Competition Commission, in its meeting on 11.05.2023, considered the following issues:
- The case of the company Tirana International Airport LLC in the taxi service market for travelers from and to Tirana International Airport.
Referring to the monitoring of the taxi service market for travelers from and to Tirana International Airport by the Competition Commission, it was estimated that we may be in violation of Article 9 of Law no. 9121, dated 28.07.2003 “On the protection of competition”, where it is determined that it constitutes abuse on the part of an enterprise with a dominant position, refusing to offer services/products by placing them in unequal conditions of competition. For these reasons, the Competition Commission with decision no. 984, dated 11.05.2023 decided to open the preliminary investigation procedure against the company Tirana International Airport LLC in the taxi service market for travelers from and to Tirana International Airport.
- The case of the concentration realized through the creation of a joint enterprise with full functions, by the companies Saudi Aramco Development Co Ltd. and the company Excel Investments Netherlands B.V.
The announced concentration will not create an overlap or upstream or downstream relationship between the activities of the parties at the national level and for these reasons, the intended transaction will not bring change and will not have an impact on the Albanian market. For these reasons , the Competition Commission with decision no. 981, dated 11.05.2023, decided to authorize the concentration realized through the creation of a joint enterprise with full functions, from the companies Saudi Aramco Development Co Ltd. and the company Excel Investments Netherlands B.V.
- The case of the agreement concluded between the companies Philip Morris Products S.A. and KT&G Corporation.
This announcement does not contain restrictions on the activity of the participating companies and does not limit competition in relation to the products subject to the agreements. These agreements will help to increase production, generate positive effects for consumers and competition in the Albanian market in general, including a wider selection and more alternatives in the product of smokeless cigarettes, the expansion of the distribution network and will increase the possibility of consumer choices for new products.
For these reasons, the Competition Commission, with Decision No. 983, dated 11.05.2023, decided to exclude from the ban the “Framework Agreement for Trade and Technology License”, “Trademark License Agreement” and “Service Agreement for Supply and Logistics”, concluded between the parties Philip Morris Products S.A. and KT&G Corporation.
The term of exclusion of the agreements shall be for a period of 2 (two) years, from the adoption of this decision.
In addition, please consult the official website of the Competition Authority –