Authorization of the concentration obtained through the transfer of ½ of the communication spectrum from undertaking Plus Communication SH.A to Vodafone Albania SH.A.

The Competition Commission, by decision no. 484, dated 23.11.2017 decided to authorize the concentration obtained through the transfer of ½ of the communication spectrum from undertaking Plus Communication SH. A. to Vodafone Albania SH. A. The Competition Commission also decided:

1. AKEP’ s liability to ensure free frequency for every new entry in the market;

2. After the fulfillment, of the spectrum transfer, AKEP shall perform the mobile market analysis, by defining the operators with sensitive influence in the market, according to the requirements of Chapter VI, Article no. 9918 date 19.05.2008 “On Electronic Communications in the Republic of Albania”, as amended. AKEP for promoting competition shall impose terms and special obligations according to the definitions of the Law no. 9918/2008 for the operators with sensitive influence in the market and in case of failure to present the issue in front of Competition Authority.

3. The Competition Authority shall carry out market assessment after the concentration according to AKEP’s analysis.

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    Të dhënat tuaja do të trajtohen me konfidencialitet të plotë sipas ligjit nr.9887, datë 10.03.2008, 'Për mbrojtjen e të dhënave personale', i ndryshuar.