Competition Commission with decision no. 1043, dated 29.12.2023, approved the “Manual of procedures for anti-competitive behavior”, in accordance with the Manual of Procedures of anti-competitive behavior (Document of the European Commission, November 2019).
The proposed manual has been adapted by aligning with the “Manual of procedures for anti-competitive behavior – Internal document of the General Directorate of Competition of the European Commission on the procedures for the implementation of articles 101 and 102 TFBE”1.
This manual has been approved in accordance with the National Plan for European Integration 2023 – 2025, the Competition Authority has fulfilled 100% of this plan, approving within the specified time limits, the by-laws provided for, in full compliance with European legislation in the field of competition .
The purpose of this Manual is to provide practical instructions for the staff of the Competition Authority regarding the conduct of investigative procedures pursuant to articles 4 and 9 of Law no. 9121/2003 “On the protection of competition”. The document aims to increase the transparency and predictability of the process within the existing legal and procedural framework, thereby improving the effectiveness of antitrust investigations.
The manual was drafted in full compliance with the provisions of Law no. 9121/2003 “On the protection of competition” related to the procedures for prohibited agreements and for the abuse of the dominant position, as well as the by-laws adopted in its implementation.
The main topics covered in it include the initiation of investigative procedures, general inquiries, decision-making procedures, handling of complaints, inspections in enterprises and control in other settings, the right of parties to be heard, the preservation of confidentiality and trade secrets , access to files, decisions with commitments, temporary measures, relief from fines, periodic fines, informal instructions, administrative closure of the investigation file, etc.
To find the manual click on the link below: